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2024 ULI Asia Pacific Summit 2024 ULI Asia Pacific Summit
Tokyo Midtown Roppongi, Tokyo, JAPAN May 27-30, 2024


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10:30 — 12:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Greenberg Traurig Tokyo Law Offices, Boardroom

評議委員ミーティング (招待者限定)

13:00 — 16:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Greenberg Traurig Tokyo Law Offices, Boardroom


Sold Out
13:30 — 15:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture


山手線沿線にある公共の公園「宮下公園」は再生によって、さまざまな飲食店、カフェ、ホテルが一体となったショッピングモールMIYASHITA PARKに生まれ変わりました。全面的な見直しを行い、誰もが楽しめる多面的な施設が誕生しました。ハイライトは広々とした屋上の緑地公園で、スケート場、ボルダリングウォール、ビーチバレーに最適な砂が敷き詰められたサンドコートが整備され、開放的な芝生広場が広がっています。公有地を有効活用し、社会・文化交流や地域社会とのかかわりを促す場を提供することによって、若者世代に共鳴する新時代の都市再生事業を通じて公共空間を効果的に活用した好事例として大きな注目を集めています。
東京ミッドタウンとMiyashita Park間をバスで移動します。
ご登録はお済みですか? こちらからサミットの参加登録状況をご確認いただき、本スタディツアーをお選びいただくか、カスタマーサービスまでEメールにてお問い合わせください。
15:30 — 18:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture

スタディツアー|オリンピック・レガシーの永続化: トロフィーをアセットに(正規会員限定)

ご登録はお済みですか? こちらからサミットの参加登録状況をご確認いただき、本スタディツアーをお選びいただくか、カスタマーサービスまでEメールにてお問い合わせください。
17:00 — 19:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Restaurant Luke, Sky Lounge


歓迎レセプションには、ULI のリーダー、評議委員、正規会員が出席し、協賛いただいたスポンサー企業に感謝の意を表します。交流を深め感謝を伝える、ULIアジア太平洋サミットの幕開けにふさわしい夕べです。
17:00 — 21:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo lyf Ginza Tokyo, Event Space


08:00 — 09:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, ULI Registration Desk


Sold Out
08:30 — 12:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture

スタディツアー|新たな高みへ: ESR 東荻島 ディストリビューションセンター 物流施設の革命

ESR東扇島ディストリビューションセンターは、先進的な物流インフラの新たなベンチマークを打ち立て、都市再生の指針を示しています。物流施設としては日本で最高層かつ最大規模となる9階建て施設で、大きな規模と収容容量を誇ります。人を中心に考えたサステナブルなデザインにより、「CASBEE」Sランク、「BELS」 5スターの認証を取得しています。入居企業の多様なニーズに応え、業務の効率性を高めるため、施設には3つの休憩ラウンジ、ボウリングレーン、24時間営業のショップ、スカイデッキ、プライベートダイニング、公園、フィットネス施設、シャワー室、無料の託児所、ドライバー休憩室など、さまざまなアメニティ施設を備えています。
ご登録はお済みですか? こちらからサミットの参加登録状況をご確認いただき、本スタディツアーをお選びいただくか、カスタマーサービスまでEメールにてお問い合わせください。
09:00 — 12:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Room 9


開会挨拶 ジョン田中氏(ハインズシニアマネージングディレクター、日本代表;ULIアジア太平洋キャピタルマーケッツ・カウンシル共同議長)
講演:: ULI アジア太平洋「経済指標予測」
09:00 — 10:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Room 7

ULI Talks: Between Two Giants – A Balanced Perspective on Real Estate in India and China

As two of the largest and economies in the Asia-Pacific region investing in India or China has become increasingly pertinent for real estate investors and developers in the Asia-Pacific region. According to recent statistics:
  • China remains a global leader in real estate investment, boasting a vast market size and a history of rapid urbanisation and infrastructure development.
  • India's real estate sector has been experiencing robust growth, with office absorption rates hitting record highs and significant investments pouring into infrastructure development projects.
Understanding the nuances of these markets is crucial for informed decision-making and strategic planning within the real estate industry. This session brings together industry experts who will shed light on the unique opportunities presented by both countries, to provide a balanced perspective on their respective strengths and challenges.
Sold Out
09:15 — 11:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower, 1F Office Lobby Entrance

スタディツアー|麻布台ヒルズ: 東京都心 街中の街

「Modern Urban Village」のコンセプトを体現する麻布台ヒルズは、東京の中心部で広大なオープンスペースを提供し、圧倒的な緑に囲まれて、人と人をつなぎ、コミュニティの形成を目指しています。「Green & Wellness」を軸に、そこに暮らす人々が自然と調和し、健康で充実したライフスタイルを送れる環境を作り出しています。そのサステナビリティの取り組みは2024年3月時点において「LEED-ND」「LEED-BD+C」「WELL」の予備認証を取得し、環境への責任とウェルネスへのコミットメントを明確に示しています。麻布台ヒルズはヘザウィック・スタジオなど世界的に著名な建築家との連携により、アートや文化がシームレスに融合する活気に満ちた都市空間を生み出し、コミュニティのウェルビーイングと環境サステナビリティを優先する、東京におけるこれまでとはまったく異なる斬新な都市開発を実現しています。
10:00 — 11:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

ULI Talks: From Ground to Sky – Envisioning the Next Era of Urban Development

In this engaging session, we delve into the revolutionary technologies of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft and drones, examining their transformative potential for urban environments. With a special emphasis on seamlessly integrating autonomous transportation into everyday life, we will highlight groundbreaking innovations that are redefining the future of urban development and architectural design. This discussion will provide deep insights into the synergy between cutting-edge technology and urban design, heralding a significant shift towards innovative, sustainable, and futuristic cityscapes. Join us to explore how these advancements are not only reshaping our cities but also enhancing the quality of urban life.
11:00 — 12:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

ULI Talks: Feeding Two Birds with One Seed – Investing in Living Assets for Sustainable Returns and Increased Housing Supply

Harness the insights of the 2024 ULI Asia Pacific Home Attainability Index, which highlights the growing significance of rental housing in addressing critical housing demands. Moreover, with evolving demographic and socio-economic shifts, various types of living assets, including student housing, senior housing, co-living, and built-to-rent properties, have gained traction among investors for their sustainable returns. Explore the power of these alternative investments, which offer a dual solution of sustainable returns and increased housing attainability. Uncover strategic investment opportunities and key drivers to capitalise on these evolving trends and make a lasting impact in the real estate market.
12:30 — 14:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Rooms 1-4


13:30 — 17:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Room 6


An interactive UrbanPlan workshop will be held for key stakeholders from various local councils in Asia Pacific. Member leaders will convene to deepen their experience of this global educational initiative and discuss how to expand the reach and impact of this programme.
What Is UrbanPlan?
UrbanPlan is a global educational initiative developed by the Urban Land Institute as a realistic, interactive classroom-based team challenge, in which students learn about the fundamental forces that affect urban regeneration.
Our Volunteer Facilitators
The successful delivery of the programme would not be possible without the industry professionals who volunteer their time to UrbanPlan. Having undergone prior mandatory training in UrbanPlan, our volunteer facilitators join the workshops to provide guidance to the student teams using the Socratic method. They additionally serve as the judging panel at the end of the workshop, providing each team with valuable feedback on their final schemes and pitch presentations, before choosing a winner.
UrbanPlan is growing in the Asia Pacific region! Help us with this exciting expansion. We warmly encourage ULI members from all APAC Councils to sign up to this Volunteer Training Workshop. Have expertise in Housing Affordability, Net-Zero, Planning, Marketing, Community Outreach or Finance? Further your professional development in a fun way! And help us transform young lives through education. Bring your industry friends and colleagues. Individuals and teams are most welcome. (Team size: 5 persons, 6 max./per team).
We look forward to seeing you!
Spaces are limited. Registration is required to attend this session and spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 
14:00 — 17:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Room 9


17:00 — 19:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Rooms 1-4


19:00 — 21:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo The Executive Centre, JP Tower, Event Space, level 14


07:30 — 09:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

Greenprint Breakfast

08:00 — 09:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, ENGAGE, Hall A


08:00 — 08:55 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, Hall A


08:00 — 17:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, LOUNGE, Hall A

キーリーダーとコーポレートパートナーラウンジ (関係者のみ)

08:55 — 09:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B


四塚 雄太郎氏(三菱地所株式会社 代表執行役 執行役専務)
09:00 — 09:20 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

開会基調講演 –人間味のある都市の創出

09:20 — 09:45 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

ファイヤーサイド・チャット -新グローバル秩序における日本のリーダーシップ

09:45 — 10:25 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

パネルディスカッション –不動産を再形成する地政学的動向のナビゲート

10:25 — 10:55 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, Hall A


10:30 — 10:45 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, INSIGHTS, Hall A

The Ultimate Digital Access Experience for Rental Housing

Grab a coffee and a bite to eat, and take a seat at INSIGHTS to share the latest insights in technology and trends from our esteemed sponsor.
Cedric Duigou, Living Spaces, APAC Lead, SALTO Systems
10:55 — 11:35 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

パネルディスカッション –世界の人口動態変化の受け入れ

11:35 — 11:45 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B


11:40 — 12:25 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

Panel Discussion: Zooming in on the S in ESG – Redefining Success through Social Impact

Beyond brick and mortar, the future of real estate lies in forging stronger social bonds. Cities are at a crossroads – continue building glass towers on shaky foundations of inequality, or weave a diverse tapestry of thriving communities? The choice is clear: prioritising the social dimension of ESG isn't just a PR tactic – it's a strategic imperative. Imagine untapped talent pools in underserved areas, brand loyalty fuelled by social purpose, and investors flocking to projects that build shared prosperity.
How can industry rewrite the rules of the game by investing in equitable development creating a legacy not just of profit, but of progress?
11:45 — 12:35 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

オックスフォード・スタイル討論 –「経済利益と環境保護の両立」という不動産の難問への挑戦

12:35 — 14:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Rooms 1-4


Join fellow Full Members for a limited-capacity Meet & Greet session featuring renowned architect Thomas Heatherwick. Enjoy a sumptuous meal while networking and gaining insights from this design visionary. All attendees will receive a complimentary copy of Mr. Heatherwick's book.
This lunch is a ULI Full Member exclusive. Space is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register here to sign up for the Asia Pacific Summit and select this lunch session.
Already registered? Manage your Summit registration here to select this study tour or email Customer Service for assistance.
Brought to you by:

12:35 — 14:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, Hall A


13:00 — 13:15 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, INSIGHTS, Hall A


Grab a coffee and a bite to eat, and take a seat at INSIGHTS to share the latest insights in technology and trends from our esteemed sponsor.
We highlight key placemaking strategies through the lens of SOM's Asia Pacific work, and how these can inform projects in Japan.
Nicolas Medrano, Principal, SOM
Kenichiro Suzuki, Japan Business Leader, SOM 
13:15 — 13:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, INSIGHTS, Hall A

ULI Hines Student Competition Asia Pacific Winner’s Presentation

13:30 — 13:45 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, INSIGHTS, Hall A

One Museum Place: Best Practices in Sustainability

Grab a coffee and a bite to eat, and take a seat at INSIGHTS to share the latest insights in technology and trends from our esteemed sponsor.
Kitty Cheung, Director of Marketing and ESG for Greater China, Hines
14:00 — 14:50 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B


14:45 — 15:35 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

対話 –郊外の大都市圏化

14:50 — 15:05 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence

Widely recognised as one of the real estate industry's most prestigious competitions, this year’s winners represent the highest standards of development practice in the region’s private, public, and non-profit sectors.

Meet the outstanding winners of the 2024 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence and celebrate their exemplary work which will inspire our industry.
15:05 — 15:25 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

リーダーシップの視点 –CEOのレンズを通して

ハミド・モガダム氏(プロロジス社 CEO兼会長)(ゲスト)
15:20 — 15:35 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo

Panel Discussion: Bridging Wisdom and Passion for Impact

We welcome outstanding leaders from each generation to foster a dialogue across generations sharing common ground and values that serve as the bedrock for collaborative initiatives within the community. Let’s delve into the benefits of intergenerational collaboration, highlighting how the amalgamation of wisdom from experienced leaders and the fervor of the next generation can yield powerful solutions for addressing complex issues unique to the real estate landscape.
We invite you to join this insightful dialogue, transcending generational boundaries and paving the way for impactful collaboration that is shaping the future of real estate.
15:25 — 15:55 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, Hall A


15:55 — 16:45 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B

パネルディスカッション –「不動産投資」は終わったのか?レジリエンスと測定基準の変化:2024年における不動産資本のシフト

ナタリー・パラディチェフ氏(アイバンホー・ケンブリッジ社 社長兼CEO)(ゲスト)
ソニー・カルシ氏(グリーンオーク・リアル・エステート社 創業者兼パートナー)(ゲスト)
モデレーター:フランソワ・トラウシュ氏(アリアンツ/ピムコ CEO)(ゲスト) 
16:45 — 17:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, General Session, Hall B


山口 征浩氏(株式会社STYLY共同創設者)
17:00 — 19:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Hall, Midtown East B1F, Hall A


19:00 — 21:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tsunamachi Mitsui Club, Dining Hall, Annex building 2F

リーダーシップ・ディナー (招待者限定)

Sold Out
05:30 — 12:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture

スタディツアー|ディズニー 輝きの舞台裏:夢の国の運営

Join our hosts as the team from Walt Disney Imagineering (WDI) takes us on a behind-the-scenes tour of Tokyo DisneySea.
Participants will enjoy a private early morning tour of the resort before the day's official opening. As the resort receives its first visitors for the day, the group will return to Walt Disney Animation Japan via a back of house (BOH) route, where the group will see BOH operations in progress. Our hosts will share an in-depth presentation of the history and relationship between Disney and Oriental Land Company (OLC), an introduction to WDI, and a glimpse into the Imagineering process.
Meeting point: Driveway across from The Ritz Carlton Tokyo Hotel
Bus transportation will be provided to and from Disney.
This is an all-weather tour. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. 
Tour registration fee: US$50. Spaces on the tour are limited and subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register here to sign up for the Asia Pacific Summit and select this study tour.
Already registered? Manage your Summit registration here to select this study tour or email Customer Service for assistance.
Tour programmes are correct at time of publication and subject to change without prior notice.
ULI thanks our tour hosts:
Peter Arnet, Project Management Executive, Walt Disney Imagineering
Graduate from Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo, with a bachelor's degree in Architecture and a master's in Business Administration. Peter started his career with Walt Disney Imagineering in 1989 as Principal Project Planner for Mickey's Toontown and Indiana Jones at Disneyland in Anaheim. After WDI, Peter joined Universal Studios as Project Director for Universal Lands of Adventure in Orlando and Universal Studios Japan in Osaka. Leaving the theme park world for eleven years, he joined the management teams who led mega-resort projects in Las Vegas, museums for the Smithsonian Institute and the DHS campus in Washington D.C. as well as foreign assignments like the Hilton Waterfront project in Tripoli, Libya. He rejoined WDI as a Project Executive to help deliver Shanghai Disneyland Resort. Peter currently resides in Tokyo, completing the Fantasy Springs project as Project Management Executive.
Sarah Bader, Representative Director and Principal, Gensler
As Managing Director for Gensler’s Tokyo office, I lead local and global teams and clients through delivering solutions that meet both the aesthetic and business requirements for clients around the world. With three years of leading the firm’s 300 person Chicago office, My strengths stem from analyzing strategic business goals through leading teams in creating world-class programming, space planning, conceptual development and design development. As a project director, I have spent two decades taking projects from concept through execution with an exceptional ability to understand issues and provide custom, client-focused solutions. My background spans across a wide variety of industries and project types, which have proven to be successful for large and small projects alike. From new high-rise hospitals in the heart of a city’s bustling downtown, to familiar and intimate workplace design, My constant curiosity has led me to travel the world, seeing design from multiple viewpoints, and create distinctive and compelling solutions for clients around the globe.
Andy Chew, Principal Landscape Architect, Walt Disney Imagineering
Graduate from Cal Poly State University, Pomona, with a bachelor of science in Landscape Architecture. Andy joined Walt Disney Imagineering in 2011 to support the design and development of Adventure Isle and Treasure Cove for Shanghai Disneyland. After SHDL, Andy joined the Tokyo team to support a number of projects primarily focused on early development. In 2013, the project now known as Fantasy Springs began its Blue-Sky phase. Andy worked closely with both WDI and OLC over the next ten years, leading the Area Development design team and ultimately relocating to Japan to oversee construction. Andy currently lives in Tokyo with his wife and daughter, completing the Fantasy Springs project as Principal Landscape Architect. 
Mark Schirmer, Executive Creative Producer, Walt Disney Imagineering
For the past three years, Mark has been based in Japan and leads the Imagineering creative, in-field team as part of the largest expansion at the Tokyo Disney Resort - Fantasy Springs. It becomes the 8th Themed Port at Tokyo DisneySea and is set to grand open on June 6, 2024. Previously, Mark held the position of Creative Executive for Walt Disney Imagineering Asia where he was based in Hong Kong. He was involved as part of the leadership team for Walt Disney Imagineering-Asia supporting growth and development in the region as as the three Disney resorts in Shanghai, Tokyo and Hong Kong. In addition, he continued the Imagineering tradition of a creative outreach to the region's design/creative community and served 3 years as a Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) Board member. Mark was also positioned as the Director of Design Development for the Tokyo Disney Resort and based at the Resort in Maihama, Japan. His responsibilities included oversight of the existing property and collaborating with Park partners, including the Oriental Land Company to expand growth opportunities for the Resort. Prior to his role in Tokyo, Mark was Executive Creative Director of Mystic Point, the third chapter of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort's expansion projects. In his role, Mark oversaw the creative direction of the entire themed land, including the innovative Mystic Manor attraction. Mark has 35 years of experience at Walt Disney Imagineering. He began his Disney career as an intern at Walt Disney World in Orlando, before becoming a full-time Imagineer. Since that time, he has worked at every Disney resort, collaborating with various creative and project teams on a wide range of projects from concept to installation. Prior to joining Disney, Mark worked for two landscape architecture/planning firms in the United States, Peridian Group in southern California and Brickman Industries in Philadelphia, PA. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Landscape Architecture degree from the Ohio State University.

07:00 — 08:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo


Sold Out
08:00 — 13:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture


 Image credit: Shibuya Scramble Square
This walking tour through Shibuya delves into the district's ongoing transformation, offering a firsthand perspective on its evolution. The tour kicks off with a presentation on the redevelopment of Shibuya and properties along the railway line. We will move on to Shibuya Hikarie, where you will gain insights into the district's ongoing transformation. Witness cutting-edge innovation at QWS in Shibuya Scramble Square, followed by a breathtaking ascent to the Shibuya Sky observation deck for panoramic cityscapes.
Immerse yourself in the local artistic spirit at the newly opened Hotel Indigo, where we take a peek at how the hotel has refined the eclectic essence of the neighborhood into an inspiring experience that energises creativity and celebrates diversity, through its collection of curated spaces.
Finally, the tour concludes at the reimagined Shibuya PARCO, a legendary landmark reborn in 2019. This multi-experience destination offers a unique blend of retail, food, and entertainment, culminating in a spiraling outdoor journey with rooftop views of Mount Fuji. The comprehensive tour unveils Shibuya's past, present, and future, showcasing its dynamic mix of modern development, vibrant arts scene, and iconic landmarks.
Image credit: Benoy for Shibuya PARCO
Meeting point: Tokyo Midtown Plaza, B1F Ishinki sculpture. 
Bus transportation will only be provided from Tokyo Midtown to Shibuya. Participants will disperse after the last stop at Shibuya PARCO.
This is an all-weather tour. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. 
Do take note of the rules for entry to Shibuya Sky. 
Tour registration fee: US$50. Spaces on the tour are limited and subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register here to sign up for the Asia Pacific Summit and select this study tour.
Already registered? Manage your Summit registration here to select this study tour or email Customer Service for assistance.
Tour programmes are correct at time of publication and subject to change without prior notice.
ULI thanks our tour hosts:
Our hosts from Tokyu Corporation
Our host from Hotel Indigo: Rebecca Thorn, General Manager, Hotel Indigo Tokyo Shibuya 
Our host from Benoy: Teri Tsang, Director and Hong Kong Studio Lead
With over 18 years’ professional experience in the West and APAC, Teri’s extensive and diverse portfolio includes award-winning retail, commercial, residential, masterplanning and transport-oriented developments. Teri has an in-depth understanding of the entire project cycle from initial design to construction completion. With her international experience and understanding of local nuances, she spearheads ‘glocal’ design thinking at Benoy, adapting international design to local regulations, processes and norms. She has native fluency in English, Cantonese and Mandarin, which allows her to service a broad range of international clients around the region. Teri grounds her designs in a keen awareness of clients’ commercial and strategic needs, resulting in revolutionary projects which deliver social, environmental and economic benefits to some of the region’s biggest developers such as Hongkong Land, Alibaba Group, Ayala Corporation, and China Resources Land. Following the various stages from concept through to completion, Teri’s work includes Ningbo New World Plaza, the masterplanning of a 107,000m² mixed-use development, consisting of a K11 Mall, a 250m iconic tower with Grade-A office and the six-star Rosewood Hotel, in one of China’s oldest cities; Pazhou Tower, a new landmark for tech enterprises and an iconic headquarters; Hongkong Land WeCity, a prime commercial complex in Chengdu; and a recent win in Shanghai’s prestigious West Bund Xuhui District.

Sold Out
08:00 — 16:30 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Shinjuku Station, East Exit, Ground floor, Gold Lion statue


In August 2021, Nomura Real Estate (Nomura) entered into partnership with Okutama township to work towards preserving the biodiversity and rich natural environment of Tokyo's forests. Under this agreement, Nomura would actively acquire the forest to contribute toward solving social issues and promote sustainability. Now Nomura manages these forests, currently consisting of 74% cedar and cypress trees (with an average age of 63 years) and 26% broad-leaved trees, by applying forest management methods that contribute to biodiversity with an emphasis on environmental conservation. The forest is now certified as a 'Site for Symbiosis with Nature' by the Ministry of the Environment and approved by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the Promotion of Wood Use Buildings, with policies evaluated by government investors.
With this tour, we will learn how Nomura is working to responsibly manage the forest area and sustainably introduce timber into the life cycle of Nomura's developments.
Broad tour itinerary:
  • Overview presentation at Okutama+
  • Tour of Tsunagu Forest by a nature guide commissioned by the Nature Education Research Center, Inc., and inspection of logging and forestation sites
  • Lunch and sightseeing at Shiromaru Dam and Kazumasa Bridge scenic spot on the upper reaches of the Tama River
  • Visit to an Okutama processing plant 
Meeting point: Shinjuku Station
The group will depart by train for JR Ome station from Shinjuku station.
This is an all-weather tour. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.
Spaces on the tour are limited and subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Register here to sign up for the Asia Pacific Summit and select this study tour.
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08:45 — 11:15 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown PLAZA B1F, Ishinki sculpture

スタディツアー|夢のアリーナのスポーツとエンターテインメント - LaLa arena TOKYO-BAY (ULI会員限定)

Real estate developer Mitsui Fudosan and IT related company MIXI have teamed up to build an entertainment complex measuring an expansive 31,000 square meters and with the capacity to hold approximately 11,000 people at maximum. The new home of the CHIBA JETS FUNABASHI professional basketball team, LaLa arena TOKYO-BAY is a large-scale multipurpose arena designed with the latest sports and entertainment technology, to be used for concerts, major sporting events and large corporate exhibitions.
ULI Asia Pacific Summit delegates will have the privilege of a hosted visit to this groundbreaking facility.
Meeting point: Tokyo Midtown
Bus transportation will be provided between Tokyo Midtown and LaLa arena TOKYO-BAY.
This is an all-weather tour. Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes.
Tour registration fee: US$50. Spaces on the tour are limited and subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.
Register here to sign up for the Asia Pacific Summit and select this study tour.
Already registered? Manage your Summit registration here to select this study tour or email Customer Service for assistance.

09:00 — 17:00 (GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo Tokyo Midtown Conference, Midtown Tower 4F, Rooms 1-5



Tokyo Midtown Roppongi
Tokyo, JAPAN

May 27-30, 2024

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